Office of The Chief Medical Officer of Health Murshidabad Recruitment 2023 Apply Online

Office of The Chief Medical Officer of Health Murshidabad Recruitment 2023: আপনি যদি মুর্শিদাবাদ ডিস্ট্রিকে বসবাস করে থাকেন এবং সরকারি চাকরি খুজে থাকেন তাহলে এই পোস্টগুলো আপনার জন্যই , কারণ মুর্শিদাবাদ জেলা স্বাস্থ্য পরিবার কল্যাণ সমিতি এবং চিপ মেডিকেল অফিসার অফ হেলথ যৌথ উদ্যোগে প্রচুর পরিমাণে কন্টাকচুয়াল বেসিক নিয়োগ করবে. কারা কারা আবেদন করতে পারবেন এবং কারা কারা পারবেন না তা সম্পূর্ণ তথ্য নিচে দেওয়া হল. সাথে সাথে কবে থেকে আবেদন করতে পারবেন লাস্ট ডেট কবে তাও জানিয়ে দেওয়া হবে। XV-অর্থ কমিশনের অধীনে পোস্ট নিয়োগ করা হবে।No. HFW-45025(99)/1098/2023-CMOH(HFW)/ 11090

মিশন ডিরেক্টর, ন্যাশনাল হেলথ মিশন এবং এক্সিকিউটিভ ডিরেক্টর, ডাব্লুবি এসএইচ ও এফডব্লিউ সমিতির অনুমোদন অনুসারে, জেলা স্বাস্থ্য ও পরিবার কল্যাণ সমিতি এবং স্বাস্থ্যের মুখ্য মেডিকেল অফিসারের কার্যালয়, মুর্শিদাবাদ জাতীয় নগরের অধীনে বিভিন্ন চুক্তিভিত্তিক পদে নিয়োগের জন্য আবেদনগুলি আমন্ত্রণ জানাচ্ছে। জেলা স্তরের নির্বাচন কমিটি-এনএইচএম, মুর্শিদাবাদের মাধ্যমে স্বাস্থ্য মিশন।

Murshidabad District Recruitment 2023

Organization Name:-WB Health
Official Website:- Click Here
Post Name:- Various post
Start Date:- 28.11.2023
More Job :-Clik Here

Education Qualification & Age Of Murshidabad District Recruitment 2023

A. Name of the Post: Psychiatric Nurse (NMHP) -NHM
Vacancy & Category01 ( UR)
Post CodePN DMH/2023
Place of postingDistrict Mental Health Programme team
RemunerationRs. 25000/- (Rupees Twenty Five thousand) per month Consolidated
Increment (if applicable) will be calculated as per bellow Govt. order:
HFW-27011/137/2020/1351 Dt. 29-12-2020,
HFW-270 I I /137 /2020/1352 Dt. 29-12-2020,
HFW-27011/137/2020/161 1 Dt. 23-02-2021
Age as on 1st January 2023Minimum 21 years and Maximum 40 years
Ed ucation QualificationB.Sc in Psychiatric Nursing/ M.Sc in Psychiatric Nursing/ DPN
Essential experienceMinimum I (one) year experience from any
recognized institution.
Roll & Responsibility1. OPD & IPD patients Counsel as desired by the authority.
2. Outdoor activities also.
3. Clinical Psychologist of the DMPH team,
4. Co-ordination of life skills education in school, college counseling services workplace stress management.
5. Provide Counseling services psychological assessments. Psychotherapy.
6. Co-ordination with NGOs in providing life skills
Mode of Selection with ScoringMode of Selection: Total: 100 Marks
Educational Qualification: 60 Marks
Working Experience: 25 Marks
Interview:15 Marks
B. Name of the Post: Psychiatric Social Worker (NMHP) -NHM
Vacancy & Category5 (Five) (UR -3, SC-1, ST-1)
Post CodePSW-DMHP/2023
Place of postingBerhampore Mental Hospital, Berhampore
RemunerationRs. 30000/- (Rupees Thirty thousand) per month Consolidated
Increment (if applicable) will be calculated as per bellow Govt. order:
HFW-27011 / 137/2020/1351 Dt. 29-1 2-2020,
HFW-27011/137/2020/1352 Dt. 29-12-2020,
HFW-27011/137/2020/1611 Dt. 23-02-2021
Age as on 1st January 2023Minimum 21 years and Maximum 40 years
Ed ucation QualificationMaster of Social Work (MSW) from any recognized institution.
M. Phil in Psychiatric Social Work of 2 (Two)
years duration from any recognized institution.
Essential experienceMinimum I (one) year experience from any recognized institution.
Roll & Responsibility1. To provide Psychosocial assessment, intervention and palliative care to the mentally ill patients admitted in the hospital as well as in the community.
2. To help the respective hospital authority in the re-integration of fit for discharge psychiatric inmates with their families and society at large.
3. To look after the welfare of the admitted mental in-patients as well as in the community.
4. To organize and co-ordinate the issuance of Disability Certificates, AADHAR Card and Manabik Pension for the mentally ill patients.
5. To impart training to the health care workers, community leaders etc. and provide Family therapy, Group Therapy for the mentally ill
and developmental disorders patients.
6. To rehabilitate for person with mental illness according to vocational needs and provide intervention for mainstreaming in the society.
7. Any other job as desired by the superintendent of the concerned hospital.
Mode of Selection with ScoringMode of Selection: Total: I 00 Marks
Educational Qualification: 70 Marks
Graduation – 30 Marks (Proportionate marking)
Post Graduation – 30 Marks (Proportionate marking)
M. Phil – 10 Marks (Additional marks)
Working Experience: 15 Marks
( Up to 2 years – 5 Marks,
More than 2 years up to 3 years – IO marks,
Above 3 years – 15 marks)
lnterview:15 Marks
C. Name of the Post : : Ophthalmic Assistant of NPCB& VI under NHM.
Vacancy & Category04(ST-01, UR-3)
Post CodeOA NPCB/2023
Place of postingBerhampore Mental Hospital, Berhampore
RemunerationRs. 18000/- ( Rupees Eighteen thousand only) per month.
Age as on 1st January 2023Minimum 21 years and Maximum 40 years
Ed ucation QualificationClass XIl-13 marks (Proportionate Marking)
Diploma in Paramedical Ophthalmic Assistants Course OR a two years Diploma Course in Optometry an Ophthalmic Technique -20 marks
Essential experience@ 2 Marks to be allotted for every completed year upto a maximum IO Marks
Roll & ResponsibilityA. At Primary Eye care level (PHCs & CHCs)
Independent duties:-
a. Test visual acuity, refraction and prescription of glasses.
b. Screening and identification of eye diseases like cataract, laucoma, Childhood blindness, Uncorrected Refractive Errors, Squint, Trachoma, Corneal opacity, Uveitis, Diabetic Retinopathy.
c. Screening for Color Vision (not for issuing certificate)
d. Dispensing of spectacles.
e. Health Education and training of primary level functionaries and volunteers.
f. Enucleation of the eyes in cases of Corneal donation after death (after requisite training only)
g. Organization and management of documentation, counselling, screening camps, School Eye Health, community health education sessions, coordination with other departments, Tele- Ophthalmology and Epidemics.
Duties under supervision of Medical Officers or Eye Specialists
a. Providing primary eye care including treatment for eye diseases like Trachoma, Conjunctivitis, Allergies of the eye lids and conjunctive, dry eye, Vitamin A deficiency, Lachrymal system, disorder,, superficial, Corneal abrasion.
b. Ocular emergencies: Identify, initiate primary medical treatment (First Aid as per the protocol) and urgent referral to an Ophthalmologist immediately, any emergency cases like chemical burns, perforating injuries of eye ball or lids corneal Ulcers.
c. Minor surgical procedures like Epilation, removal of
Conjunctiva! foreign bodies,
d. Follow up of post- operative cases as per the instruction
of the operating surgeons.
B. Secondary eye care level at District Level (under
supervision of Ophthalmologist)-
a. Assessment of vision, refraction (manual and automated), prescription of glasses.
b, Assessment of binocular vision and color vision.
c. Tonometry, Evaluation of lachrymal duct patency.
d. Visual field testing, Diplopia and hess charting.
e. Contact lens fitting, low vision aids after getting appropriate training
f. Recording patients history and preliminary eye examination
g. Pre-operative workup-Biometry, Blood Pressure, Blood Pressure Checking, Blood Sugar checking, Slit lamp examination.
h. Coordination with primary level.
i. Non invasive investigating technique after training
j. Prosthetic Eye implant fitting.
k. Operating theatre and wards(after proper training) administration of pre and post-operating medications as per doctor advise, counselling of patients, sterilization of instruments and equipments, setting up of surgical trolley and any other work assigned by the eye surgeons.
Mode of Selection with ScoringFull Marks 50 Particulars
D .. Name of the Post: Laboratory Technician-NUHM
Vacancy & CategoryI (One) , (UR-01)
Post CodeLT NUHM 2023
Place of postingMurshidabad Municipality
RemunerationConsolidated remuneration of Rs. 22000/-(Rupees twenty two thousand) per month
Age as on 1st January 2023Minimum 21 years and Maximum 40 years
Education QualificationI. Higher Secondary (10+2) from a recognized board I Institute with Physics, Chemistry & Biology/ Mathematics and diploma in Medical Technologist recognized by the West Bengal state medical Faculty/AICTE Knowledge in Computer, MS office, Internet is required.
Candidates who do not have DMLT/DLT degree are requested NOT to apply for the post, as DMLT/DLT degree is the essential qualification for the post.
Essential experience
Roll & Responsibility
Mode of Selection with ScoringTotal: 100 Marks
(Based on percentage of Marks obtain in the final examination)
Computer test: IS ( Candidate will have to obtain 50% of marks in computer test; failing which the candidature will be treated as cancelled )
E. Name of the Post: Community Health Assistant (CHA)-NUHM
Vacancy & Category5 (Five) (UR -3, SC-1, ST-1)
(Female Only)
Post CodeCHANUHM/2023
Place of postingMurshidabad Municipality
RemunerationRs. 13,000.00 (Rupees Thirteen thousand) per month Consolidated
Age as on 1st January 2023Minimum 21 years and Maximum 40 years
Education QualificationMust have passed ANM course from an Institute recognized by the Indian Nursing council and be registered with the West Bengal Nursing Council.
Should be proficient in Bengali and permanent resident of the District for which application is made.
Must have passed GNM course from an Institute recognized by the Indian Nursing council and be registered with the West Bengal Nursing Council.
Should be proficient in Bengali and permanent resident of the District for which application is made.
Essential experience
Roll & Responsibility
Mode of Selection with Scoring100 (Based on % of marks obtain in the final examination
F. Specialist Medical Officer (Medicine)
Vacancy & Category07 ( Seven)
Post Code
Place of postingUrban Polyclinics at different Municipalities in the District
RemunerationRs. 3,000.00(Rupees three thousand) per day thrice , week on part time basis
Age as on 1st January 2023Maximum upper age 67 years
Education QualificationMD ( Medicine) with Medical Council Registration.
Essential experience
Roll & Responsibility
Mode of Selection with Scoring100 (Based on % of marks obtain in the final examination)
Specialist Medical Officer (Paediatrics )
Vacancy & Category07 ( Seven)
Post Code
Place of postingUrban Polyclinics at different Municipalities in the District
RemunerationRs. 3,000.00(Rupees three thousand) per day thrice , week on part time basis
Age as on 1st January 2023Maximum upper age 67 years
Education QualificationMD ( Paediatrics) with Medical Council Registration
Essential experience
Roll & Responsibility
Mode of Selection with Scoring100 (Based on % of marks obtain in the final examination)
Specialist Medical Officer (G&O )
Vacancy & Category07 ( Seven)
Post Code
Place of postingUrban Polyclinics at different Municipalities in the District
RemunerationRs. 3,000.00(Rupees three thousand) per day thrice , week on part time basis
Age as on 1st January 2023Maximum upper age 67 years
Education QualificationMD ( G&O) with Medical Council Registration.
Essential experience
Roll & Responsibility
Mode of Selection with Scoring100 (Based on % of marks obtain in the final examination)
Specialist Medical Officer (Ophthalmologist)
Vacancy & Category07 ( Seven)
Post Code
Place of postingUrban Polyclinics at different Municipalities in the
RemunerationRs. 3,000.00(Rupees three thousand) per day thrice , week on part time basis
Age as on 1st January 2023Maximum upper age 67 years
Education QualificationMD (Ophthalmologist) with Medical Council Registration.
Essential experience
Roll & Responsibility
Mode of Selection with Scoring100 (Based on % of marks obtain in the final examination)
G. Name of the Post: Nutritionist -NRC, Kandi SDH
Vacancy & Category0 I ( UR-I only Female)
Post CodeNTNRC/2023
Place of posting
RemunerationRs. 25,000/- ( Rupees twenty five thousand) per month
Age as on 1st January 202321 yrs to 40 yrs
Education QualificationB.Sc. or M.Sc. in foods and Nutrition or equivalent course with computer knowledge. Read & writ in Bengali.
Essential experience
Roll & ResponsibilityI. Supervisor of the unit, trainer & counsellor for the staffs posted m the NRC as well as mothers /caregivers.
2. Admission & discharge of patients in consultation with the Medical Officer.
3. Chart out specific therapeutic diet plan for each child as per the SAM Management Guidelines in consultation with the Medical Officer.
4. Responsible for the monitoring of diet preparation & distribution of feeds for each admitted child as per diet charts.
5. Maintaining NRC records in registers, preparing reports of the NRC and provide overall guidance to the Medical social workers for report compilation and analysi s.
6. Assess the feeding problem in each child & give individual counselling to mothers.
7. Nutritionist along with the NRC support staffs will provide hands-on-training to the others/caregivers for the preparation of low-cost nutritious diet for their children.
8. Nutritionist will facilitate counselling session at NRC.
She will also mentor the support staffs for conducting daily counselling sessions at NRC on various topics like child and maternal nutrition & malnutrition, hygiene & sanitation, infant & young child feeding practices, immunization, family planning, safe cooking practices etc.
9. Provide counselling & demonstrate to mothers on structured play therapy for psychosocial stimulation to engage children in play therapy for at least 30 minutes play each day.
10. Oversee the cleanliness & ensure hygiene practices at NRC.
11. Ensure that the child is provided services as per the recommended Guidelines.
12. Ensure that the NRC data is updated & entered. In absence of GNM, Nutritionists will be responsible for Gemsbok.
13. Responsible for ensuring follow-up of the children discharged from the NRC and issuing Food coupon to the eligible children (other staff I MSW will assist Nutritionist).
14. Fill up the discharge cards (support staffs will assist the Nutritionist) & counsel mothers/relatives regarding follow-up schedule, emergency sign, diet and care after discharge & regular visit to the A WC for SNP and growth monitoring.
15. Coordination with the !CDS officials – DPO respective CDPO, Supervisors and A WWs for strengthening identification and referral of SAM children at NRC and community-based follow-up of children discharged from NRC. She will be responsible for facilitating orientation programme related to nutrition issues.
16. Preparation of database for each block in the district i.e.
database of the Anganwadi Centre, SC & PHC
and name & contact number of the A WW/ANM & ASHA and time to time coordinate with them.
17. Field visit – sub center and A WC for screening of undernourished (SAM & MAM) children (Weight, Height, MUAC and presence of edema and other illness), and to assess the services provided at the
A WCs and SC to the P&L women. For carrying out these activities M.O./Health supervisors/BPHN/PHN/NRC staffs will assist her (as applicab le).
18. Nutritional status assessment of mother (Pregnant, lactating, NP&L) admitted to NRC along with SAM children. Anthropometric measurement of mother – Weight, Height, mid upper arm circumference, BMI, Hemoglobin estimation and back ground
information needs to be recorded for each mother/caregiver and counselling to be conducted for improving their health and nutritional status.
19. The Nutritionist will be in charge of all the nutrition activities in the block and one adjacent block and will be responsible for monitoring and reviewing the nutrition status of all the PW and lactating mothers in the block. She will facilitate counseling sessions/meeting for the frontline functionaries related to maternal nutrition, child nutrition, care practices and early childhood development in consultation with the BMOH/in charge M.O./BPHN.
2. Some other activities related to the field of Nutrition as and when required.
Mode of Selection with Scoring

Application Fee & Pay Scale Murshidabad District Recruitment 2023

  • General / OBC / EWS : 100/-
  • SC / ST : 50/-
  • Pay the Examination Fee Through Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking Fee Mode Only.
  • আরো বিশদে জানার জন্য অবশ্যই অফিসিয়ালি ওয়েবসাইট রয়েছে সেই ওয়েবসাইটে ভিজিট করুন

How to apply Murshidabad District Recruitment 2023

  • আবেদন শুধুমাত্র অনলাইন মোডে জমা দিতে হবে “( &” উভয় ক্যাডারের পাশাপাশি পোস্টাল সার্কেলের জন্য অগ্রাধিকারের আদেশ প্রদান করে।
  • আবেদন করার জন্য আপনাদের ( & গিয়ে আবেদন করতে হবে ।
  • আবেদন করার আগে অবশ্যই একবার অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইটে যেই নোটিফিকেশন দেওয়া হয়েছে সে নোটিফিকেশন টা আপনারা পড়ে নেবেন কারণ আরো অনেক কিছুই দেওয়া থাকে সে নোটিফিকেশনে।
  • আবেদন করতে হলে অবশ্যই লাস্ট ডেট এর আগে আপনাদেরকে আবেদন করতে হবে।
  • সমস্ত ফর্মটা ফিলাপ হয়ে গেলে অবশ্যই সমস্ত ফর্ম টা একবার চেক করে দেখবেন যাতে কথা ভুল না থাকে। ফর্মে যদি কোন রকম ভুল থাকে তাহলে কিন্তু আপনাদের আবেদন সম্পূর্ণভাবে বাতিল করে দেওয়া হবে।
  • আরো বিশদে জানার জন্য অবশ্যই অফিসিয়ালি ওয়েবসাইট রয়েছে সেই ওয়েবসাইটে ভিজিট করুন।
  • অনলাইন আবেদনপত্র জমা দেওয়ার শেষ তারিখ 22.12.2023।
  • অনলাইন আবেদন ফর্ম জমা দেওয়ার জন্য শেষ তারিখের পরে, পাঁচটির একটি বিশেষ উইন্ডো প্রার্থীর জমা দেওয়া আবেদনপত্র সংশোধন করার জন্য (05) দিন দেওয়া হবে।

METHOD OF SELECTION Murshidabad District

শুধুমাত্র অনলাইন অ্যাপ্লিকেশন গ্রহণ করা হবে।

Important Date & Time For Post office Murshidabad District Recruitment

Online applications will start from28.11.2023, 11AM.
Last date of Registration:16/ 12/2023 12 00 hours midnight
Last date of Application fees:18/12/2023 12 00 hours midnight.
Last date of Final Submission:22.12.2023 up to 12:00 Hrs. midnight.

Important Link Post office Murshidabad District Recruitment 2023

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